Friday, August 16, 2013

A Biking Reunion

There is a special bond among cycling tourists. When one cyclist sees another cyclist, they instantly connect with one another. Although the specifics of each cyclist and each journey vary, the cyclists empathize with one another's goals, joys, and hardships.

On Day #37 of my cross-country trip, I crossed paths with three rock-awesome chicks who were also riding cross-country, though from east-to-west. If all we had done was acknowledge each other with a simple wave, that special bond would have been created.

Alas, we pulled over to the side of the road (as cycling tourists often do), introduced ourselves, and shared notes about places to stop and people to meet along the way.

It was evident that these ladies -- Lily, Bekah, and Joey -- were having the time of their lives. Their energy was absolutely contagious! In the fifteen or so minutes that we chatted at the side of the road, more than a simple bond was created.

On Tuesday of this week, these rock-awesome chicks ended their "Inventure" at Golden Gardens Park in Seattle.

Oh, what a feeling!
Joey, Lily, and Bekah arrive in Seattle.

The next day, the Inventure gang held a BBQ to celebrate their trip. And being the awesome peeps that these ladies are, they invited me to their shindig.

There were six cyclists at the BBQ who recently cycled across the country: the three Inventure girls, Andy (introduced on Day #24), Max (who met up with the Inventure team along the ride), and me.

Andy, Me, Bekah, Joey, Lily, & Max.

Gabbing, as our not-yet-tamed metabolisms begin to roar with hunger.

The BBQ was hosted by Lily's Aunt Susan.
Susan prepared a gorgeous'n'tasty spread!

Sharing stories, while chowing down.

Laughter and silliness were enjoyed by all.

We had a great time sharing stories from our trips -- about the places we stayed and the people we met.

It was amazing to ponder just how many wonderful people across this country helped the six of us along our rides. Undoubtedly hundreds of people -- people who opened their homes and hearts to us. But more like thousands of people -- when you include those who shared waves and words of encouragement. Hell, even millions if you consider all of the people who pulled their vehicles over the center line to allow us more space.

I know what my trip has meant to me. And I can only imagine the impact of a trip shared with these amazingly energetic and grateful women.

Congratulations, Lily, Bekah, and Joey -- your journey is evidence that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. And the friendships you have weaved across the country will last a lifetime.

(Thanks to the Inventure clan for letting me steal borrow their photos for this post.)


  1. Wow! Glad to have played a small part in your amazing adventure. Bob F.

    1. Thanks for your note, Bob. You were an amazing host! It's a bummer all four of us (me, Lily, Bekah, and Joey) weren't able to stay at your place on the same evening (as originally planned). Instead, we had to wait until everyone arrived in Seattle to extend our getting-to-know-each-other beyond just a 15-minute side-of-the-road chat.

      Take care!


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