Sunday, June 15, 2014

Day #37: An Uneventful Ride

Today's Route: Ashland, OR to River Bridge Campground (6 miles N of Prospect, OR) (81 miles)
Total Trip Miles: 1,624

It was a long, but uneventful, ride today. Below is a photo that Randy took of Alex and me as we rode through California a number of days ago. Given that we wear the same clothes day-in and day-out, this is also what Alex and I looked like riding today. Though, of course, you'll need to swap out the California scenery with Oregon scenery.

Me and Alex riding. (Photo by Randy.)

As Alex spent the rest day yesterday at a hotel in Ashland, and as I camped with Ferit and Dilek just outside of Ashland, the first order of business was to meet up with Alex so that we could begin our ride together. Alex and I met up at the corner of Dead Indian Memorial Road, where we would begin the morning with a 15-mile climb.

Alex told me that Randy had arrived into Ashland yesterday and that Randy had checked into the same hotel where Alex was staying. Alex and Randy shared some conversation. Randy had a really hard day of riding, and so he was going to spend today resting in Ashland. Bummer! Randy had tried so hard to catch up with us, and now that he had caught up, we were taking off again!

Today's route took us along remote roads. At one point in the ride, we passed aside Medco Lake. There was a rock in the middle of the lake that was covered with yellow wildflowers. How cute!

The wildflower-covered rock in the middle of the lake.

The only town we rode through today was Prospect (population 455). Just before arriving in Prospect, Ferit & Dilek met up with us along the route. Ferit drove by slowly, as Dilek stuck her head out of the sunroof and took photos of us. I can't wait to see the photos!

We all met up a few miles later at the River Bridge Campground. The camp was along the Rogue River. Though the river is tame as it runs aside the campground, further to the west, the river offers some of the wildest rafting in the country.

We made dinner, went for a walk around the campground, and then we called it a night.


  1. We have a picture of you guys riding from the front instead of from the back like most pictures you have.


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